Fire Hydrant Program
The Revere Beautification Committee received many complaints about the condition of the fire hydrants over their hot line. As a result of these complaints, the RBC discussed the situation with Mayor Ambrosino and Fire Chief Doherty. It was decided that the situation could be remedied over a period of time by utilizing the work of the prisoners who do various kinds of work for the city, by having the work overseen by the fire department and the City of Revere, and by having the RBC provide both the paint and the management of this project.
All of the fire hydrants in Revere have been painted over the last six years. Prior to this painting initiative, the majority of the hydrants were very unsightly - rusted, multi-colored, and chipped paint. The work that has been accomplished is the result of collaboration between the City of Revere, the Revere Fire Department, Sheriff Cabral’s office, and the Revere Beautification Committee. It is an example of the progress that can be made when different organizations work together.